Monday, December 08, 2008

Trains come and go at the exact time,. sometime a little late, sometime a little early. Much like plans, and any other public transportation. but because everything is timeless things change. Say have you heard about the shifting city?

: No, what about it? where is it located?

hhhmmmm,. you are probably a tricept, aren't you... Ye, you must be a tricept --only at the look at you I can tell...

: Tricept? whats a tricept? three but what is the cept, with that meaning?

Well,. three you got that right, and the cept well,. lets say, it is like triangle or the number three in concept.. Someone who gets everything for three with the letter or sign three in it... I bet you were are three children in the family,... to make everything even more complex you probably were the middle child.

: Well actually ye, how did you know?

Told you I can tell tricepts miles away. They always come so puzzeled and respond to the letter three...

: I do not know where you are getting or trying to reach... but so far you got things right. What about that shifting city.

Before I'll go back to the shifting city, you must agree that everything is timeless..

: Timeless, what do you mean by that? I do not comprehand

Well,. there was once a person who could change time, thats how we figured out everything, and got to this metrocity... but that is the poor idea... cause other wise probably things would have become much more clearer..

: You didn't say anything about timeless. So beating around the bosh and get back to your idea, would you?

Fine,. I'll get back to my point. When you comprehand time, it is like everything changes every minuet and every second.. Things couldn't be the same from one minuet to another. The problem sta....

: Wohooo... you and your problems,. you need to see a psychietrist...

Let me finish you'd undersatand soon what is shifting city and timeless... So as I was saying the problem began when some people got stuck at the past creating massive information to pass to the future.. and things started go wrong somehow,. a leak in the the system I guess or something.

: Leak system, what are you talking about man?

The shiftingcity got all figured out,. but then when things got wrong, they started to play with the atmosphear, and with things that didn't make sense at the time, but they figured out, when the pincrossed the information later on.. Getting back to the shifting city in a minuet. Anyhow, they started consuming time with tabacoo.. then went to other known drugs and mediciens we know today. The shiftingcity was a place where they could go inside a building and get out at the other end of the time -- of the univesal timeless earth.

: and

As I was saying things got too wrong, when they just go stuck.

: Because of the one who stopped time?

Bingo,. You know what they did, they recruted him to the goverment, and that was their way of solving the timeless earth from going. Yet, because of their action they had to reduce the number of people in the city, because of all these overpopulation they got into.

: How did they reduce the number of people in that city?

Well, first they tried controling it by getting people to the hospital and just dismental them -- then they found out about medicien that prolong and shorten life cycles which made everything good for that time, but created a huge bunch of problems when that didn't manage to control all the problems. The last stage is where the high artillery came into use. They followed almost every step of the people and tried to figure out what buildings late longer,. and what was their function.

: That is way to much information that I do not need to know... actually I don't believe anything in your story. But do continue...

They used to see that the most high rated places were public places... hospitals and such... But then one day there was an incident near a hospital that hurt the building and they came to other conclusions then.

: What was the incident?

An observations of a building that was near the main railway station was hurt by thier artillary.. and people got killed.

: So what, you said they used heavy artillary on there own people anyway..

Ye, but all these people were a bunch of bozzoes... no ones,. that could make a difference... As I was saying a person, and I mean a heavy and important figure those days,. was hurt.. thats why they stopped it.

: What all these stories got to do with me? and the fact you call me a tricept?

Think, man, think,. do I have to spill it out for you?


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Friday, April 11, 2008

Setting technology for good use, and giving it away for humanity growth.

One of the concepts that I am very dip into is the way a technology is given to the public. At old ages, the ones who used the technology are the army (that virtually created a system like the internet, and put it into use) the universities (for scientists to develop things and make good benifit of them), and so on.

Nevertheless, this is being changing as you read these lines. Each day a certain technology idea, is being developed, and marketed to the public. Not always, the public know what to do with the technology itself. But we are getting to a stage where the public becomes very intelegant wise, and know how to make sense of all these ideas.

Things are getting faster and faster, and people get lost in the way. You can say, that if an individual doesn't know what is the "black box" doing he might "press" the wrong buttons, and make all faulty. But if you give that person the good knowledge of the system and the background of it -- Then and only then -- he will make use of the item properly.

People history is repeating itself, how come? and why? and where it all exists... I am a treky, that is someone who watches, "startrek" and follow the episodes. On one of the spinoffs of the show called "DS9 - Deep space nine" -- they presented a specie that doesn't exists in a linear time, and that doesn't know the exact meaning of a linar being. If you think about it, we are closer to being that being ourselves. Some of te ideas that were presented over the centuries are being made for good use in these days.

The time shifting paradox
As I grow, it suddenly occurred to me, that I have been in the position of writing these lines many times before (That is if you believe soul reincarnation) and I figures that it occurres that I am using a system that enables me to put in "text" and search or reread that text once again in a different existence.

Imagine a technology that will enable you to read or enter different universes, by putting it back as a "history document"; Of course none of this is new. Over centuries people have made use of standard books, to get knowledge or read fantasy books and so on. What is new, is the fact that if you follow what I mean... You read things you have actually done by yourself, in different existence.


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Wednesday, January 17, 2007

A system within a system.

Worm holes are infinite length,. While they are being established by space time continuum.
Imagine your self a system within a system within a system... and so on... That only increases the velocity of particles in it. That would mean that each action being taken by an individual in the system is being recorded for eternity.

For example if you plant a tree this tree will be cut and regrow in the same system for eternity. Or for example if you smoke the smoke will fill in the space for eternity -- That doesn't mean of course that you'd chock to death, the smoke fades away by a larger ecologic system... Thats how the system maintain stability into ages.

You can of course play with these ideas in various ways. But I'll let you play with them to think about.

Thursday, January 11, 2007


One of the best things on the human brain is that it emits, energy waves,.

Where someone lives inside a worm hole, the energy waves are being intensified…. Thus making reality change in someway. Well, that is a known fact, but doesn't concerns many individuals.

If an explorer from outer space will view a worm hole, he would see circulated mechanism. People grow up, have kids die… and then relive with their children the whole situation once again.

Funny creatures these human brand… Some of them, out come their own qualities, but other stay like baboons on the same side of the coin all the time.

Potensially speaking, it is amazing how many different ways there are to open a worm hole. First you can use magnetic power to emits the waves and create a hole to get through.

On other occasions there are different other ways to make that true…. Create a photonic machine to transmit variables from one side to another,. Variables that is images.

Nevertheless, do not mistake that to a machine that creates random variations – which some people mix in sometimes…

A Machine with random variations.

This machine isn't connected to many out going data,. It keeps the images locally and emits different variations of the same particles. For example – lets say you got a library of many different items,. Lets say,. About 1,000,000…. All of them scanned three dimensional…. And got a AI internal interface of logic. Then this machine creates moving different brand of pictures each time… It is hypnotic to view such a machine because the variations keep on changing creating a logic method of unknown types. Lets get back to our worm hole….

To Be Continued….

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Story for bedtime,

Living inside a worm hole is very though. On one hand worm hole people need all the technology they can get in order to maintain stability of opening a worm hole, and keep it open for a while.
On the other hand they are doomed to live without any technology at all in times when the worm hole is closed.

Oh, and I forgot the main thing, they are doomed to live over and over the same events.

Well, you see it is like a big huge in diameters a time machine that collect ingredients from all possible parallel universes. Therefor, it checks the viability of one ingredient upon another.

Let me say that in other words,. Things are messy inside a worm hole. While one can see the place a warm quite place, another can see it almost in the verge of collapsing (Subjective views).

I have been living inside my worm hole for about 60 cycles now. And I got myself different views about it. On the one hand it is a cool place to be, on the other hand it is sometimes scary.

To Be Continued....

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