Friday, April 11, 2008

Setting technology for good use, and giving it away for humanity growth.

One of the concepts that I am very dip into is the way a technology is given to the public. At old ages, the ones who used the technology are the army (that virtually created a system like the internet, and put it into use) the universities (for scientists to develop things and make good benifit of them), and so on.

Nevertheless, this is being changing as you read these lines. Each day a certain technology idea, is being developed, and marketed to the public. Not always, the public know what to do with the technology itself. But we are getting to a stage where the public becomes very intelegant wise, and know how to make sense of all these ideas.

Things are getting faster and faster, and people get lost in the way. You can say, that if an individual doesn't know what is the "black box" doing he might "press" the wrong buttons, and make all faulty. But if you give that person the good knowledge of the system and the background of it -- Then and only then -- he will make use of the item properly.

People history is repeating itself, how come? and why? and where it all exists... I am a treky, that is someone who watches, "startrek" and follow the episodes. On one of the spinoffs of the show called "DS9 - Deep space nine" -- they presented a specie that doesn't exists in a linear time, and that doesn't know the exact meaning of a linar being. If you think about it, we are closer to being that being ourselves. Some of te ideas that were presented over the centuries are being made for good use in these days.

The time shifting paradox
As I grow, it suddenly occurred to me, that I have been in the position of writing these lines many times before (That is if you believe soul reincarnation) and I figures that it occurres that I am using a system that enables me to put in "text" and search or reread that text once again in a different existence.

Imagine a technology that will enable you to read or enter different universes, by putting it back as a "history document"; Of course none of this is new. Over centuries people have made use of standard books, to get knowledge or read fantasy books and so on. What is new, is the fact that if you follow what I mean... You read things you have actually done by yourself, in different existence.


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